Vision Coaching

“Empowering you to realize your vision to enjoy your most authentic life!

Together we develop life coaching strategies and techniques providing you with tools to accomplish your vision then see it through to success!

Experience the feeling of clarity, decisiveness, direction and being fully supported as you embark on this new adventure for yourself. By becoming more introspective you develop tools that carry through in both your personal and professional life. You have all your resources inside of you it is just a matter of skillfully drawing out what the vision is that you want for yourself. Not the vision the world see’s for you or you feel you have to live up to on a daily basis. Rather, a plan that empowers you to be, feel and do your best under any circumstances. You are compelled to move forward with your own goals with enthusiasm! Now doesn’t that sound better then feeling stuck not knowing what your next move is going to be?

Learn how to set your intentions and bring them to fruition rather than staying in the same old rut. Coaching gives you a tools that will benefit you for a lifetime when applied consistently.

“I live my life practicing mind, body and spirit principles so I am the best version of myself that I can be everyday.  Even when life is a struggle I believe that struggle is actually here to serve us in some way.  I have learned the challenge serves me so I can excel in the present moment.  Once I am living in the “now” I can be my most creative self to achieve my life goals.  My passion is to connect those who walk the same path and use my gift to enhance their lives so they can feel supported while achieving their goals.” 

Yvette Rioux Certified Life Coach

There is nothing like the feeling of accomplishing your goals!

When stress overcomes your world, it feels like a scary place to be, as though you are on this journey alone. It doesn’t have to be this way. Sharing your fears, thoughts and dreams are the first step in freeing yourself from the isolation. A coach helps you access your true self that knows the direction you need to go once you take the time to listen to yourself. A coach challenges you to face those fears head on with with newfound insight.

Coaching is an investment in you so you are living to your full potential.  To live conflicted where your outside world is not matching your inside world is unsatisfying.  It is when you are in alignment with your core values, you are walking your talk and your actions mirror what you truly want for yourself, that you can feel fulfilled.  Having the satisfaction of knowing you accomplished something you have been putting off is empowering.  You no longer have that looming over your head or the feeling of falling short wishing you committed to what is important to you.  Isn’t it time for you?

Coaching is taking the time to invest in yourself!  If you are thinking that this is something which could be beneficial please reach out to me so we can do a complimentary coaching session.  There are no coincidences that you have landed on this web site.  Give yourself the gift of listening and honoring what is important to you!

Coaching includes:

Vision Coaching, Executing Goals and Dreams and Fulfilling Hearts Desires

Executive Coaching For Professionals and Entrepreneurs, Prioritization, Delegating, Critical Path, Team Building, Retreat Planning

Life Transitions

Reinventing Yourself

Sober Coaching and Assisting Family Members with loved ones struggling with substance abuse

Health and Wellness Development

Divorce, Empty Nest, Family Changes, Mid Life Changes

Student Education, Career Planning, Promotion or New Direction

Self Esteem, Self Love, Self Care, Self Improvement

Establishing and Executing Goals To Fulfillment

Ask yourself:

Isn’t it time you gave yourself your time rather then everyone else?

What holds you back from your ambitions?

Do you find yourself knowing what to do to achieve your goals but lacking the ability to get there?

Why put off what matters to you any longer? 

Email me direct at to learn more.

Life will always show up to tell you there is never a good time to take time for yourself. Why not try something different and prove now is the time. It is the right time. It is your time!

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Maya ANgelou

By changing within yourself, you will change all the lives you touch for the good. Living stressed out from one day to the next isn’t really living to your full potential nor is it being authentic to yourself. Making the time to make you the priority, to design the life you love, is a worthwhile cause. Together we explore what this looks like!

Email me direct at to learn more.

Need a mental lift? Try listening to this 3 minute reboot to turn your day around.

Empower yourself with this meditation motivation to restart your day!